Sunday, February 20, 2011


Okay so I made a vow to stop dying my hair, but after 2 months and 2 and half inches of roots later (with platinum blonde ends.. very trashy) I caved and went "ash blonde" HUGE MISTAKE. My hair is now fucking gray! argh. I NEVER learn hahah! oh well. I'll roll with it until I figure out what I should do about it. I was kind of thinking about going brunette! Like a reddish, bronzed brown. My natural hair color is blonde so I would have light roots, yay for a skunk stripe.

BUT! I also chopped off about 9 inches to get rid of the bleaching damage. Which left my hair at my shoulder (yikes so short!) sooooo I'm thinking of extensions. I found a great site with them. I'll post the link of course down below, but I also found a video showcasing what they carry! and I'll post that as well.



Sunday, February 13, 2011


Howdy. I just discovered a wonderful new site. Totally cheap but super cute clothing. My favorite! 

Here is the link!


Saturday, February 12, 2011


I was looking at nursery ideas online and I came across a few very cute cribs! A little bit unconventional, but of course... that's me! haha.

I have a few pictures for you all :)

I mean super cute right!?! I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl!

This also means Kinsley will be upgrading to a toddler bed in a few months! woo!
I also found a few super cute beds for her.


Friday, February 11, 2011


Okay so. Random thought. If anyone has any input on this, I would love to hear it lol.

If the story about Noahs arc and Adam & Eve are true... than this whole world in its entirety are INBRED. Which is disgusting. Woo. Go Christians and their inbreeding. You fucking hicks. Get a clue, and maybe some of your own opinions. 



I found a site with an interesting personality type test. I'll post the link below.

16 Types

I came out as a INFJ... this means.

Strength of the preferences %

Description - Counselors have an exceptionally strong desire to contribute to the welfare of others, and find great personal fulfillment interacting with people, nurturing their personal development, guiding them to realize their human potential. Although they are happy working at jobs (such as writing) that require solitude and close attention, Counselors do quite well with individuals or groups of people, provided that the personal interactions are not superficial, and that they find some quiet, private time every now and then to recharge their batteries. 

Counselors are both kind and positive in their handling of others; they are great listeners and seem naturally interested in helping people with their personal problems. Not usually visible leaders, Counselors prefer to work intensely with those close to them, especially on a one-to-one basis, quietly exerting their influence behind the scenes.

Counselors are scarce, little more than three percent of the population, and can be hard to get to know, since they tend not to share their innermost thoughts or their powerful emotional reactions except with their loved ones. They are highly private people, with an unusually rich, complicated inner life. Friends or colleagues who have known them for years may find sides emerging which come as a surprise. 

Not that Counselors are flighty or scattered; they value their integrity a great deal, but they have mysterious, intricately woven personalities which sometimes puzzle even them.

Counselors tend to work effectively in organizations. They value staff harmony and make every effort to help an organization run smoothly and pleasantly. They understand and use human systems creatively, and are good at consulting and cooperating with others. As employees or employers, Counselors are concerned with people's feelings and are able to act as a barometer of the feelings within the organization.

Blessed with vivid imaginations, Counselors are often seen as the most poetical of all the types, and in fact they use a lot of poetic imagery in their everyday language. Their great talent for language-both written and spoken-is usually directed toward communicating with people in a personalized way. Counselors are highly intuitive and can recognize another's emotions or intentions - good or evil - even before that person is aware of them. 

Counselors themselves can seldom tell how they came to read others' feelings so keenly. This extreme sensitivity to others could very well be the basis of the Counselor's remarkable ability to experience a whole array of psychic phenomena.


I am so stuck in a rut. I have absolutely no clue who I am right now or what my style is or what I intend to do with my life lol. Fuck me! Being a mommy to a 21 month old and another due in 7 months. My style consists of Ugg boots, yoga pants, tank tops and hoodies. Which I guess isn't so bad, but not great either. I have to put off taking the BSN program once again. Oh well with two kids, we can finally stop and then I can do whatever I want. 

I have a few pictures of what I want in a few years.

I want to own a house like this, not to fancy but still very nice.

I want to have lots of money in the bank.

I want to travel somewhere cool.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


To get done sometime this week list...
1. Get rid of garbage and recycling.
2. Sort through the back room again (somehow it's been filled with clutter and boxes and etc.. AGAIN)
3. Organize the spare room for the new baby!
4. Do something about the shelves in the living room.
5. Go through the closets and clean out old clothing, into "Trash" and "Donate".

On another note! Some more stuff came for me in the mail yesterday :D and I put another $400 in savings too.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Now, my does husband makes a great living on the oil rigs but...I love saving money! Here are a few websites for all you other Canadians out there where you can get coupons sent to your mailbox

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I just found out today that I am expecting another bundle of joy <3

He or she will be due around Oct 4th. I was super scared at first, but everyone around me has been so great about it that I'm becoming much more excited! I guess my hubby got his wish! 

More on this later?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I just made my new budget with a lot of savings! (one of my unreported resolutions for new years)
It is actually a relief to know our finances are taken care of. With having a daughter and family life, it is time to grow up and become our parents lol.

The link for the budget sheet is in my blog down below. It automatically figures out your percentages out for you. So you have no excuse not to do it ;) 

And with that said... I finally got some of my stuff in the mail today. It's like Christmas every couple of weeks. I'll do a video of my haul when I get everything in. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Finally made the app to get my hair done. Stoked for Thursday. So I have a few ideas and of course I will post pics, I mean what is a blog without pics right?

I really love the Hilary duff style.

The color and bangs here.

But then again the golden blonde look is so pretty. LOL I'm torn. OH but there is one more...

Then theres this, dark long layered hair. I can't choooose!

Oh well. I will probably pick something when I'm there and just wing it. 
LOL. xoxo for now.

-update: I ended up getting all my bleaching damage cut my shoulders! Yikes. My hair is so short, but it's really cute, and this makes it easier to grow my natural color out. No more fake blonde. Thank fuck haha.