Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Aloha. So I ordered a few new cute things from eBay (shopping in my s-m-a-l-l town sucks the donkey ass. LOL. I'm not gonna lie. I miss living in the big city, but I DO NOT miss the crime. 

This town is so safe. I actually had left my purse and keys on the tonaue cover on my truck and went shopping and came back to find them still there. I felt SO stupid afterwards. I if that had happened say back on Vancouver island, or in Edmonton they would have been so jacked lol. So I guess that's a plus for small towns right?

This is what I'm ordering from my beloved eBay.

The boots are an indoor slipper with a decent sole.
Honestly I've never really been one for the Gucci or high fashion designers. Blah. That stuff is just not practical when you have children LOL. 

-edit- got the boots, there shit. Cute, but low quality shit. woo!