Friday, December 31, 2010


So my boyfriend cleaned out the back room.
Now I get to turn it into a home gym! (yay)
I found a couple of nice ones online.

They are just ideas.

Also my checklist of equipment I should fill it with.
The bold is what I already have

Weights 8pds-50pds
Resistance band
Swedish ball
Bosu ball
Full length mirrors (x4)
Workout DVDs

I'm excited, this means I don't have to leave my baby to get fit again.

Thursday, December 30, 2010


It has come to my attention that my severe weight gain from my pregnancy... is much worse than I had previously thought.

This is comming from someone who is used to looking like VS model without much effort.


heres the before.

And here are the after....

In all fairness... I look horrible due to no makeup and baaaaad hair, but still. Damn. Thats nasty.


Hello ebay!
I am utterly addicted to ebay.
So far this week I have bought...
- Hello kitty earbud head phones.
- black sheer heart detailed leggings
- silver leaf earrings (more cute than they sound)
- new cell phone case
- three colored clip on extensions (browns)
- two head bands I saw on gossip girl

And I'm "watching"

- Tan and Black Slouch boots
- Hello kitty diaper bag
- Ken Block gear (hoodie, shirt, etc.) for my boyfriend

Anywho on a different note.
Casey is still working in Swiftcurrent. I miss him so much. Hes been gone for 3 days already. I don't like when he has to go away for work.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Oh my!

To do list.
1. Buy laptop, preferably a cute pink one.
2. Finish off Kinsleys play room.
3. Get a drastic new hair cut.
4. Get enrolled in some kind of online course.
5. Switch over my BC drivers license to an SK drivers license.
6. Do some early spring cleaning.
7. Get a tattoo for Kinsley and Casey. Still not sure for what or where haha.


I need to decide what I would like to do with the rest of my life... or at least part of it.

Lets looks at the pros and cons of some options shall we...?

Nurse (LPN, RN)
Pro- good money, stable work, 2-4 year degree, gives me options, help people.
Con- work with people, routine.

Pro- good money, stable work, minimal contact with people, numbers numbers numbers.
Con- boring, desk work, routine.

Lab Tech (blood rat)
Pro- good money, minimal contact with people, stable work.
Con- umm?

Lab tech?
Ugh, I don't even know. Any suggestions?